Successes of 2013

31 December 2013 Andrew Dolan looks back at some of the brighter moments from the last twelve months

Women deserve better birth – NHS staff deserve better too

19 December 2013 Feminist Fightback argue that women and health workers need to fight on the same side.

Editorial: Winter chill, political spring

19 December 2013 A two-year price freeze on energy bills, while welcome, is hardly sufficient, writes Michael Calderbank

Jeremy Hardy thinks… about voting

19 December 2013 'The thing that surprises me is not that Westminster politics are found to be boring, but rather that so many journalists find them so interesting'

Review – What Should We Tell Our Daughters?

19 December 2013 Kate Pickett and her 19 year old daughter Bronwen Pickett review What Should We Tell Our Daughters? by Melissa Benn.

December’s feminist web round-up

19 December 2013 Recommended reads by feminist blogger Emma Frankel-Thorin

We can win: stories from 50 years of struggle

16 December 2013 Film launch night and an evening of discussion on economic justice movements past and present

Radical Emissions Reduction: to counter climate change we need radical social movements

15 December 2013 Gabriel Levy reports from a conference that brought together activists and academics from the social sciences with climate scientists and engineers

#copsoffcampus at the University of London

14 December 2013 Thousands of students and staff protest against police on campus, writes Andrew Dolan

Cops Off Campus mobilisation video

11 December 2013 Today students protest around the country against police intimidation and violence

The Poverty of Capitalism: roundtable

9 December 2013 Red Pepper reports back from a lively event held in London to launch John Hilary’s new book The Poverty of Capitalism. Joining him for a roundtable discussion were Doreen Massey and Francisco Dominguez

A cool look at climate

7 December 2013 Ian Sinclair asked four of the top climate change experts in the UK about what actions people and countries must take to stop runaway climate change – and the consequences of not doing so

Nelson Mandela, CLR James and the Brixton radicals: how South Africa inspired South London

6 December 2013 When Nelson Mandela came to Britain, the one place he visited beyond Westminster and Buckingham Palace was Brixton – and he had a rapturous welcome. Here Darcus Howe looks back at how the anti-apartheid movement interwove with the experience of black people in the UK

To do justice to Mandela’s life, the struggle must continue

5 December 2013 Brian Ashley of South Africa's Amandla magazine says that in the battle to overcome inequality and achieve social justice, we will need many more Nelson Mandelas

Nelson Mandela: a man who showed that individuals can make a difference

5 December 2013 William Gumede pays tribute to the anti-apartheid leader – and contrasts his example to today's ANC

Nourishing the hunger

5 December 2013 Jane Trowell talks to poet Sai Murray about his collection Ad-Liberation

A poem in memory of our disabled dead

4 December 2013 Merry Cross writes to mark this week's International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Win top price tickets to see The Duck House

3 December 2013 Enter our free prize draw to see this new West End political comedy.

Activist high

30 November 2013 Ali Garrigan talks to Kara Moses about climbing the Shard, western Europe’s tallest building, for Greenpeace’s Save the Arctic campaign

Feminist web round-up

30 November 2013 The latest online reads collected by feminist blogger Emma Frankel-Thorin

Exhibition: ‘small change’

29 November 2013 Bob Gaunt visits an exhibition about change in real and imagined cities.

Held hostage by Big Pharma: a personal experience

26 November 2013 Mike Marqusee looks at how drug firms can make huge profits from their state-enforced monopoly on an essential good

Event: Susan George in London

24 November 2013 Join Red Pepper for an evening of drinks and discussion with Susan George at the launch of her latest book in London Wednesday 4 December 7pm

How the corporate elite win the class war

24 November 2013 John Palmer reviews Susan George's latest book How to Win the Class War: The Lugano Report II

Chile’s fractured social movement

22 November 2013 Protests for better healthcare on an archipelago off the coast of Chile demonstrate the successes of local mobilisations, but also the failures of the larger social movement, write Rosalind Adams and Charlotte Sexauer

UN climate talks: pit-stops on the road to nowhere?

21 November 2013 Corporate interests undermined this month's climate change talks in Poland , writes Niccolo Sarno

Event: What next for Greece?

20 November 2013 Join us for an evening of discussion at the London book launch of 'Crucible of Resistance: Greece, the Eurozone and the World Economic Crisis', Monday 25 November.

House party to bring down rents

18 November 2013 Let Down occupy luxury flats to highlight extortionate rents and government subsidies to for-profit developers

Dirty Wars: The World is a Battlefield

18 November 2013 Jeremy Scahill's new film details the damaging rise of U.S. drone use and covert operations across the globe and makes its UK premiere on November 29

Visions of utopia: Soviet posters of the 1920s and 1930s

18 November 2013 Unique collection of Soviet propaganda posters is now on display at Pushkin House

Editorial: The powers that see

16 November 2013 While surveillance may feel vast, looming and obscure, writes Michelle Zellers, it isn’t separate from the other battles we’re fighting

Indefensible design: the high social costs of ‘security’

16 November 2013 The pedlars of gates, alarms and CCTV have an ever-growing business. It’s the community that pays, according to research by Anna Minton and Jody Aked

Colonial oversight

16 November 2013 As they colonised the world, European governments invented techniques for tracking the people they conquered. Elia Zureik reveals how domestic spying has roots in imperial history

How the cops try to predict our next move

16 November 2013 As civil dissent ramps up, UK secret police discover new modes of repression. Kevin Blowe reports on cops, ‘kettles’ and a database profiling thousands of activists

Drone wars

16 November 2013 Michelle Zellers spoke with Medea Benjamin, author of Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control and founder of the US-based anti-war group Codepink, who was arrested in May for interrupting Barack Obama’s speech on his drone programme

Menwith Hill: Drop the base

16 November 2013 The NSA’s base in North Yorkshire goes unnoticed, even in the wake of Edward Snowden’s revelations. Lindis Percy discusses the fight for accountability

GCHQ: Any phone, any time

16 November 2013 Enjoying lenient surveillance laws, GCHQ has enticed its American counterpart to set up camp in Britain. Richard Norton-Taylor reports

After Snowden: protecting our data

16 November 2013 Edward Snowden’s revelations highlight the need for stronger privacy laws – and more. Ben Hayes outlines key demands for reining in the surveillance state

Jeremy Hardy thinks… about war

15 November 2013 'The thing we should know by now is that unpicking their motives doesn’t really help to demolish their case'

Beating the blacklisters

14 November 2013 A police raid exposing the scale of worker surveillance within the construction industry galvanised workers to take action. Ewa Jasiewicz speaks to those organising against the blacklisters.

Event – Socialist Register: Ralph Miliband and the Politics of Class Today

14 November 2013 Readers of Red Pepper are invited to a Socialist Register discussion on Ralph Miliband and the Politics of Class Today

Solidarity shopping: consumers of the world unite

11 November 2013 Campaign to launch an online cooperative shop underway

#3Cosas: University Of London workers protest

11 November 2013 Novara Media reports from the 3Cosas demonstration at Senate House

Demonstration to save the University of London Union

11 November 2013 Students and workers to mobilise on Wednesday 13th November to fight the closure of ULU

‘Our feminism will be intersectional or it will be bullshit’?

9 November 2013 Laura, a member of the Feminist Fightback Collective reviews a workshop at the Feminism in London Conference this autumn.

Union conference demands justice for Kazakh oil workers

7 November 2013 Gabriel Levy reports from a meeting of independent trade unionists from the former Soviet Union in Ukraine

Time for a Basic Income

7 November 2013 One year ago Red Pepper published a piece on the Basic Income, is it time to consider this idea a little more seriously? writes Andrew Dolan

Feminist web round-up

30 October 2013 Feminist blogger Emma Frankel-Thorin tells us what she's been reading online this month.

Abortion: old war, new battles

28 October 2013 Comedian Kate Smurthwaite explains why we must continue to fight for a woman's right to choose.

Chinatown Vs The UK Border Agency

25 October 2013 Aaron Peters of Novara Media reports on the business-led strike in London's Chinatown, Tuesday 22 October.

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