
Battling burnout: towards a regenerative activist culture

7 September 2023 Laurence Cox explores how regenerative activism can be used to combat burnout and resist neoliberal capitalism

Labour pains: Views on birthing, pregnancy and birth control

6 July 2023 Activists, ordinary birthing people and medical practitioners are challenging how UK medical institutions exert control over their bodies, including during pregnancy and labour 

A torn billboard poster showing key workers in face masks

What does it mean to get an OCD diagnosis during a global pandemic?

27 June 2023 With the Covid-19 pandemic declared officially over, Beauty Dhlamini considers whether accepting an OCD diagnosis is a betrayal of her politics

The future is now: rethinking public ownership

23 June 2023 Ursula Huws reflects on the history of 'prefigurative' approaches and community ownership models in the UK - and how these can be used to rethink public ownership amid the current cost-of-living crisis

Birthing while black

19 March 2023 Anna Horn describes her own experiences in giving birth and how maternity services fail black women in particular

On the coming of age

17 March 2023 Old age and the ageing process cannot be divorced from the system as a whole, writes Jane Shallice – which is reason enough to keep active politically as well as physically

My experiences with the gig economy

4 March 2023 Joe Durbidge reflects on the changing experience of being a delivery driver in London, the struggle for basic rights - and the true meaning of flexibility

Collective safety for all

30 January 2023 As more and more people are forced to grapple with Long COVID, Alex Heffron argues nurses organising can play a crucial role in resisting the normalisation of mass sickness

The apocalypse in popular culture

31 October 2022 From plagues and zombies to nukes, asteroids and tidal waves, Siobhan McGuirk and Marzena Zukowska assess how apocalyptic fiction reflects and shapes the anxieties of our age

Exam questions: a flawed education system

25 August 2022 The pandemic has turbocharged educational inequalities. Kevin Courtney outlines what needs to change

Let them eat (Jubilee) cake

2 June 2022 As the Queen celebrates 70 years on the throne, Laura Clancy asks if it’s finally time to abolish the monarchy

Lashing together a life raft: Covid-19 strategies for the left

20 May 2022 Reflecting on two years of Covid-19, James Meadway lays out the challenges the British left will have to adapt to and confront

Review: Toxic Legacy by Stephanie Seneff

23 April 2022 Jake Woodier explores the purported widespread havoc of herbicide Glyphosate, industrial scientific sabotage and the destructive agricultural system

Wanted: a new health deal

17 April 2022 Virologist Deenan Pillay of Independent Sage tells Red Pepper how the pandemic has revealed the importance of rebuilding the public health system

An update from till two

28 March 2022 In ‘The view from till two’, published on the Red Pepper website in November 2020, retail worker Tillie described her experiences of the pandemic. Here, she reflects on two years dominated by Covid – and considers what lies ahead

Image of human embryo 7-8 weeks from conception

GM ‘designer babies’: breakthrough or nightmare?

6 December 2021 Only a global ban on human genetic engineering can prevent a new era of eugenics from emerging, writes Dave King

Work-related suicides: the UK’s invisible crisis

28 October 2021 There is no regulatory oversight of suicides at work in the UK. Sarah Waters makes the case for change

Tax hikes or not, social care is broken

1 October 2021 Social care worker Billie Cooper argues that recent discussions on funding social care are a distraction from more fundamental reform of the sector.

The fierce kindness of Dawn Foster

29 July 2021 Kimon Daltas pays tribute to our friend and comrade Dawn Foster

Old advertisement featuring happy housewives with vaccuum cleaners and one sad housewife with dustpan and brush

Covid and the household economy crisis

16 June 2021 Even before the pandemic, the squeeze on household time and income had reached crisis point. Ursula Huws examines social reproduction in the digital age

When truth is not enough

11 June 2021 Ted Benton tackles questions of truth, science and radical alternatives in a period of political turmoil

Not ready for take-off

7 June 2021 The trade unionists of the skies have been saving jobs as their industry taxis on the runway, writes Sean Meleady

Can’t pay, won’t pay

26 May 2021 First-year student Saranya Thambirajah reports on students’ experience of the pandemic – and how they are using rent strikes to fight back against the marketisation of higher education

Lebanon’s October revolution

19 May 2021 Following a year of struggle, crisis and destruction, the people of Lebanon fight on, writes Rima Majed from Beirut

India’s crisis is our crisis

28 April 2021 The crisis unfolding in India underlines the need for global, coordinated, industrial vaccine strategy, argues Luke Cooper

Vaccine nationalism

13 April 2021 As various Covid-19 vaccines continue to be rolled out in the Global North, Remi Joseph-Salisbury explores how nationalist vaccine programmes exacerbate global inequalities

Virtual exhibitions and art for all

4 April 2021 A year into our new virtual reality, Siobhan McGuirk suggests a silver lining: once-exclusive degree shows are more accessible than ever

Syringe with label reading 'vaccination'

Simon Hedges is jabbing away

1 April 2021 Our 'Award Winning' columnist tries to trick his father into getting the vaccine, saying it will protect him from 'cancel culture'

Free, safe, legal, local

24 March 2021 Emma Campbell describes the long fight for reproductive rights in Northern Ireland

Locked out during lockdown

1 December 2020 Already dealing with the effects of the hostile environment in education, Sanaz Raji explains the new challenges facing international students during the pandemic

Frontline workers and Covid-19: support staff and the neoliberal university

24 November 2020 Max O’Donnell-Savage explains how university support staff are forced to risk their lives – while ensuring campuses are 'Covid-19 secure' for students

Frontline workers and Covid-19: the view from till two

15 November 2020 Retail worker Tillie describes her experiences of the pandemic – and explains why the retail workers’ union is campaigning against abuse

Exceptional measures

11 November 2020 Narzanin Massoumi argues that the ‘war on terror’ should serve as a warning against increased state powers in response to the Covid-19 crisis

Will the beat go on?

1 November 2020 Gerry Hart reports on lockdown, gentrification and the face of Newcastle's live music

Whose streets?

28 October 2020 Public spaces became increasingly valued during lockdown – and increasingly policed. We must continue to reclaim and celebrate it for everyone, says Morag Rose

Frontline workers and Covid-19: a carer’s account

16 October 2020 Ndella Diouf Paye writes about her experiences working as a carer for a private company

The state of things to come

15 October 2020 Politicians, the state, and the market have failed to come to terms with Covid-19. Can 'people power' navigate a way out of the crisis? K Biswas introduces the TNI Covid Capitalism Report

Pints, patriotism and precarity

14 October 2020 Oli Carter-Esdale explores the weaponisation of the pint and asks: where next for the hospitality sector?

Power plays: the rise of game worker unions

6 October 2020 Amid global economic crisis, business is booming in the gaming industry. It's time to step up the fight for worker's rights, Emma Kinema tells Marzena Zukowska

The future of pandemic solidarity

2 October 2020 The pandemic has channelled our collective rage and constructed new visions of what is possible, argues Colectiva Sembrar

The antithesis of care

28 September 2020 Hilary Aked writes about the insidious role of Prevent, the government’s counter- extremism programme, in compromising mental health services

Am I a modern slave?

24 September 2020 Lyn Caballero describes her experiences as a migrant domestic worker and explains why domestic workers are campaigning for immigration policy change

No10 Downing Street NHS 72 Year Anniversary

A complete cock-up by government

2 September 2020 Amidst mishandling of the pandemic and absence of public trust, Sir David King tells Hilary Wainwright of the government consciously allowing Covid-19 to spread

Prime Minister Coronavirus Press Conference

Former chief scientist blasts government coronavirus response

30 August 2020 As parents ready kids for school return and the debate over 'the science' rages, Sir David King tells Hilary Wainwright how the government got it wrong

Edinburgh street artists perform in Edinburgh on the last weekend of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2009. This year saw a record number of acts perform representing the best dance, theatre and comedy.

Who’s laughing now?

22 August 2020 As venues tentatively reopen post-lockdown, Siobhán McGuirk surveys the impact of the pandemic on comedy, theatre and the cultural sector

Refugee family reunification during a pandemic

23 July 2020 Border closures and travel restrictions caused by the pandemic have made family reunification difficult for refugees. But, as Luke Butterly reports, these rights have been eroded over a number of years

On a rainy day and evening the CAA-NPR-NRC protesters are still in Shaheen Bagh . People have come to support from far and wide

Shaheen Bagh lives on

22 July 2020 The women of a south Delhi neighbourhood have inspired a protest movement which will long outlive their temporary encampment, writes Ananya Wilson-Bhattacharya

Prison profits over healthcare

14 July 2020 Private prisons are bad for prisoners’ health, writes Isaac Ricca-Richardson, but state control is little better while neoliberalism still holds sway

One million hours of solitude

8 July 2020 Simon Hedges shares his tips on surviving lockdown and government ineptitude

No solutions, no justice: Covid-19 and BAME communities

2 July 2020 Apsana Begum MP asks why no action has been taken to protect BAME communities from Covid-19, despite the Government report revealing disproportionate impact

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