About Red Pepper

Red Pepper is a quarterly magazine and website of left politics and culture. We’re a socialist publication drawing on feminist, green and anti-racist politics. We seek to be a space for debate on the left, a resource for movements for social justice, and a home for open-minded anti-capitalists.

Red Pepper is completely independent, and while not rejecting party politics, seeks to help build the kind of pluralistic, dynamic movements which can fundamentally challenge our economic system, with its entrenched injustice, structures of power and oppression, and tendency towards war and environmental destruction. Although based in London, we have links around Britain, and have always covered events and perspectives from outside the capital.

We’re a non-profit magazine and we operate on a shoestring. We think the left needs publications which are non-sectarian yet unafraid to take a stand, radical yet non-dogmatic, and thoughtful yet orientated on real-world activism. If you think so too, please consider becoming a subscriber.

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