EU debate: what are the real choices?

27 December 2015 Of all the anticipated flashpoints to come in 2016, a UK referendum on EU membership could be the most divisive — John Palmer argues the left must begin with simple answers

'What we've achieved so far': an interview with Jeremy Corbyn

21 December 2015 Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, in conversation with Hilary Wainwright and Leo Panitch, talks about the meaning of ‘new politics’, Tony Benn’s legacy – and opening up Labour’s policymaking to the people

Red Pepper’s festive quiz

21 December 2015 So much has happened and changed in 2015 – but how much do you remember? Try your hand at Red Pepper's Christmas quiz

With Spain’s election looming, can Podemos do it?

17 December 2015 In the run-up to Spain’s general election, David Ferreira looks at the factors behind Podemos’ failure to sustain its initial surge of support

Rebel cities: the citizen platforms in power

17 December 2015 Kate Shea Baird reports on the successes, limitations and possibilities of citizen platforms after their first months in power in cities across Spain

EU debate: We need to stay in Europe to change Europe

15 December 2015 The idea that a social Europe could emerge by quitting the EU is a delusion. There are no quick fixes for neoliberalism, writes Luke Cooper

New journalism project for Afghan women launches

15 December 2015 Amie Ferris-Rotman says it is time to hear the voices of women in Afghanistan

Making the most of the momentum

14 December 2015 A new kind of politics needs a new kind of Labour Party, writes Andrew Dolan

Words without action: Seven takeaways from the Paris climate deal

14 December 2015 The Paris Agreement on climate change has been hailed as a 'turning point for the world'. But it is long on rhetoric and short on real commitments, finds Oscar Reyes

Defend, extend and deepen the commons

10 December 2015 An extract from 'Economics after capitalism: a guide to the ruins and a road to the future' by Derek Wall

The corporate capture of the climate talks

10 December 2015 Pascoe Sabido from Corporate Europe Observatory looks at how the Paris summit has been co-opted by polluters

Crossing No More

7 December 2015 Samir Dathi & Marienna Pope-Weidemann report from the Greek-Turkish border and the deadly fence forcing refugees to cross the perilous Aegean sea

We marched for peace – not to ‘bully’ Stella Creasy

3 December 2015 Sue Wheat gives the truth behind media reports of an 'intimidating' anti-war protest in MP Stella Creasy's Walthamstow constituency

Solidarity with Rojava: 3K in 31 Days

3 December 2015 Plan C are fundraising £3000 to help rebuild Kobane after ISIS attacks and to support the political revolution in Rojava, writes Paul Higgins

The Corbyn colouring book and other gift ideas

2 December 2015 For your politically minded friends and family

Jeremy Hardy thinks… about solidarity

1 December 2015 'Not many people would stand by and watch someone drown if they had the chance to rescue them, but that is what Europe’s governments are doing'

Editorial: Opening up politics

1 December 2015 How much has Labour changed, asks Andrew Dolan – and how much can it?

Levelling the playing field

1 December 2015 Andrew Dolan spoke to Jack Badu, Tom Perez and Joel Sharples of Football Beyond Borders, a charity that uses football to help create a more equal and inclusive society

Adapting to change

1 December 2015 The impact of climate change on human migration could be profound. But the relationship between the two is far more complicated than many suggest, writes Alex Randall

Classic book: Reclaim the State

1 December 2015 Heather Blakey looks back at Reclaim the State: Experiments in Popular Democracy, by Hilary Wainwright

Bahrain’s Uprising

1 December 2015 Bahrain’s Uprising: Resistance and repression in the Gulf, eds Ala’a Shehabi and Marc Owen Jones, reviewed by Kitty Webster

The Mythology of Work

1 December 2015 The Mythology of Work: How Capitalism Persists Despite Itself, by Peter Fleming, reviewed by Kit Caless

Political Ecology: Beyond Environmentalism

1 December 2015 Political Ecology: Beyond Environmentalism, by Dimitrios Roussopoulos, reviewed by Mat Little

Encyclical on Capitalism and Inequality

1 December 2015 Encyclical on Capitalism and Inequality: On Care for Our Common Home, by Pope Francis, reviewed by Charlotte Sykes

Inventing the Future

1 December 2015 Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a world without work, by Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams, reviewed by Daniel Whittall

Help doctors win

30 November 2015 Jane Stratton has been organising with the junior doctors and explains why their struggle is everyone’s fight

Paris attacks and the climate summit: we can and must become stronger from this

23 November 2015 Untimely acts of war have a long history of destroying blossoming social movements. We must make the links, argues Kara Moses: oil is the common factor between terrorism and climate change

Emma and Bobby face eviction despite doing nothing wrong

23 November 2015 Emma* tells us about her experience renting in London, the impact on her child and how she plans to fight back

Opening borders is not enough

20 November 2015 Brazil has opened its arms to immigrants and refugees, but must match words with action, writes Tom Gatehouse

10 ways to support Red Pepper

19 November 2015 Whether you've been subscribed to Red Pepper for the last 20 years or have just found us, here are some simple ways you can help boost our impact.

Everything you need to know about the climate mobilisations in Paris

18 November 2015 World governments are about to meet in Paris to negotiate a global agreement on climate change. But the real action will be in the streets, says Kara Moses

The one thing that won’t stop terror is more war

14 November 2015 Provoking retaliation is a key part of the jihadists' strategy, writes Alex Nunns – we need a different approach

Caring, survival and justice, versus the tyranny of the market

11 November 2015 This weekend The International Women's Conference takes place in London

On 'D12', we will draw our red lines in Paris

10 November 2015 John Jordan writes on the climate justice movement's call for mass disobedience in Paris on 12 December, and beyond

Come to Paris – and help create a climate movement beyond the summits

5 November 2015 Throughout November and December, Red Pepper will be running a series of articles in the run up to the climate talks in Paris. Red Pepper environment editor Kara Moses kicks off with some reasons to go to Paris beyond trying to influence a broken process.

Why I gatecrashed the British Museum’s Day of the Dead party

31 October 2015 BP is using its sponsorship of the British Museum to cosy up to the Mexican government, writes Jess Worth – so we went there to expose the abuses of both

Novara: new media for a different politics

26 October 2015 Novara Media are currently fundraising £10,000 to expand their efforts to help transform the media landscape. Andrew Dolan interviewed Novara co-founder Aaron Bastani about new media, insurgent politics and what the future holds for Novara

The day Guernica appeared in a Manchester car showroom

25 October 2015 Tim Dunbar introduces his new exhibition exploring the mystery surrounding an exhibition of Guernica in Manchester in 1939

Ken Saro-Wiwa and the power of resistance

25 October 2015 On the 20th anniversary of Saro-Wiwa’s murder, Nigerian activist Ken Henshaw describes how his struggle put justice at the centre of environmentalism

Land, life and justice

25 October 2015 Platform’s Suzanne Dhaliwal challenges UK activists to learn from the people living on the frontlines of global environmental struggles

Paris climate summit: Not saving the world

25 October 2015 Alex Scrivener explores why excessive optimism in the run up to the coming summit in Paris ignores the voices of those most affected by climate change

The fight against tar sands is about more than the environment

25 October 2015 Indigenous rights defender Eriel Deranger explains how the struggle against tar sands mining is about protecting her people’s rights and culture

#TTIPalarm: how satire inspired the Dutch movement to stop TTIP

20 October 2015 Hilde van der Pas looks at how the movement against TTIP took off thanks to a TV comedian

Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future by Paul Mason

20 October 2015 Hilary Wainwright reviews Paul Mason's latest book and questions how far information technology is leading us towards a post-capitalist economy

Hiding the Crisis

16 October 2015 When Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras showed up, the shameful reality of Camp Moria was hidden and thousands of people had disappeared. Marienna Pope-Weidemann reports from Greece.

What the Corbyn campaign did next: meet Momentum

13 October 2015 James Schneider writes on the launch of Momentum, the grassroots network building on the Jeremy Corbyn for Labour leader campaign

Resist Tory attacks on local councils

13 October 2015 Campaigns Against Arms Trade highlight how new Tory policy could prohibit local Councils from implementing democratically voted upon motions in support of the BDS movement

Ankara: call out for UK unions to show support for Kurdish and Turkish brothers and sisters

13 October 2015 After the Ankara boming, UK trade union support is needed more than ever, writes Peace in Kurdistan Trade Union Liasion Officer Stephen Smellie

Save Shaker Aamer – his freedom announced but still not home

12 October 2015 Shaker Aamer, held in Guantanamo for 14 years, needs support at this extremely tense time as he awaits release, writes Becky Lawrence

Digital labour: Wages for crowdwork

9 October 2015 Byron Peters is an artist and writer who has produced collaborative art pieces to tell the story of resistance movements centred on digital labour. He spoke to Jenny Nelson about online activism and the hidden labour behind digital life

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