The seconds that changed Labour history: Jeremy Corbyn’s last dash for nominations

30 December 2016 In this extract from his new book The Candidate, Alex Nunns tells the inside story of how Jeremy Corbyn scraped onto the Labour leadership ballot in 2015

News from movements around the world

22 December 2016 Compiled by James O’Nions

Podemos: In the Name of the People

21 December 2016 'The emergence as a potential party of government is testament both to the richness of Spanish radical culture and the inventiveness of activists such as Errejón' - Jacob Mukherjee reviews Errejón and Mouffe's latest release

Survival Shake! – creative ways to resist the system

21 December 2016 Social justice campaigner Sakina Sheikh describes a project to embolden young people through the arts

‘We don’t want to be an afterthought’: inside Momentum Kids

16 December 2016 If Momentum is going to meet the challenge of being fully inclusive, a space must be provided for parents, mothers, carers, grandparents and children, write Jessie Hoskin and Natasha Josette

The Kurdish revolution – a report from Rojava

13 December 2016 Peter Loo is supporting revolutionary social change in Northern Syria.

How to make your own media

13 December 2016 Lorna Stephenson and Adam Cantwell-Corn on running a local media co-op

Book Review: The EU: an Obituary

12 December 2016 Tim Holmes takes a look at John Gillingham's polemical history of the EU

Book Review: The End of Jewish Modernity

9 December 2016 Author Daniel Lazar reviews Enzo Traverso's The End of Jewish Modernity

Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants

8 December 2016 Ida-Sofie Picard introduces Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants – as told to Jenny Nelson

Book review: Angry White People: Coming Face to Face With the British Far-Right

7 December 2016 Hilary Aked gets close up with the British far right in Hsiao-Hung Pai's latest release

University should not be a debt factory

5 December 2016 Sheldon Ridley spoke to students taking part in their first national demonstration.

Book Review: The Day the Music Died – a Memoir

5 December 2016 Sheila Rowbotham reviews the memoirs of BBC director and producer, Tony Garnett.

Power Games: A Political History

5 December 2016 Malcolm Maclean reviews Jules Boykoff's Power Games: A Political History

Shock doctrine of the left: a strategy for building socialist counterpower

3 December 2016 Graham Jones proposes a framework for a diverse movement to flourish

Book Review: Sex, Needs and Queer Culture: from liberation to the post-gay

3 December 2016 Aiming to re-evaluate the radicalism and efficacy of queer counterculture and rebellion - April Park takes us through David Alderson's new work.

A book review every day until Christmas at Red Pepper

2 December 2016 Red Pepper will be publishing a new book review each day until Christmas

Book Review: Corbyn: The Strange Rebirth of Radical Politics

2 December 2016 'In spite of the odds Corbyn is still standing' - Alex Doherty reviews Seymour's analysis of the rise of Corbyn

From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation

1 December 2016 'A small manifesto for black liberation through socialist revolution' - Graham Campbell reviews Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor's 'From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation'

The Fashion Revolution: Turn to the left

30 November 2016 Bryony Moore profiles Stitched Up, a non-profit group reimagining the future of fashion

The abolition of Art History A-Level will exacerbate social inequality

29 November 2016 This is a massive blow to the rights of ordinary kids to have the same opportunities as their more privileged peers. Danielle Child reports.

A Cuban view on Fidel Castro’s legacy

28 November 2016 Musician Eliane Correa reflects on the fading revolution

Mass civil disobedience in Sudan

27 November 2016 A three-day general strike has brought Sudan to a stand still as people mobilise against the government and inequality. Jenny Nelson writes.

The centre-left’s narrative on climate change has convinced no one

23 November 2016 Trump's victory is another sign of the failure of the centre-left's narrative on climate change. A new message is needed, and new politicians to deliver it, writes Alex Randall

Mustang film review: Three fingers to Erdogan

22 November 2016 Laura Nicholson reviews Mustang, Deniz Gamze Erguven’s unashamedly feminist film critique of Turkey’s creeping conservatism

What if the workers were in control?

21 November 2016 Hilary Wainwright reflects on an attempt by British workers to produce a democratically determined alternative plan for their industry

Airport expansion is a racist policy

21 November 2016 Climate change is a colonial crisis, writes Jo Ram

Momentum Kids: the parental is political

19 November 2016 Momentum Kids is not about indoctrinating children, but rather the more radical idea that children have an important role to play in shaping the future, writes Kristen Hope

New Cross fights new wave of housing privatisation

18 November 2016 Lewisham residents object to a new trend in local authority housing developments

Stand-off with prison profiteers at the Tower of London

17 November 2016 Marienna Pope-Weidemann reports on disruption at the European Custody and Detention Summit

If you didn’t see Trump coming, you were looking away

16 November 2016 The question we're too afraid to ask is simple: what kind of society leads to Donald Trump as President? Siobhán McGuirk explains the United States, in fragments

Jeremy Hardy thinks… about electability

16 November 2016 'MPs are stuck in 1997, waiting for a charismatic, Blair-like messiah, but without the bloodshed'

The Confession – a survivor’s story

16 November 2016 Robert Rae reviews a new film about former Guantanamo prisoner Moazzam Begg

Edinburgh film festival reviewed

16 November 2016 Robert Rae reports from the Edinburgh film festival

The new politics of art

16 November 2016 Nina Power calls for an assertion of true human wealth through shared resources, knowledge, and art – while Jessie Hoskin and Sasha Josette explain how The World Transformed festival will respond to this call

Shocked by Trump? It’s time to get involved in the fightback

10 November 2016 The battle lines are clear. Democracy is in peril and the left must take itself seriously electorally and politically. Ruth Potts speaks to Gary Younge, who was based in Muncie, Indiana, for the US election, about the implications of Donald Trump’s victory

Trump, Mair and the gods that failed

10 November 2016 It’s no use apportioning blame, we need meaningful critical reflection. The old formulae are no longer sufficient, writes Paul O'Connell

Book Review: Swimming with Sharks: My journey into the world of the bankers

10 November 2016 Jenny Nelson reviews Luyendiks analysis of the City – the ‘time bomb at the heart of our society’.

Trump can only be beaten by a fairer economy and a better society

9 November 2016 We need a society built on openness, community and equality to truly defeat everything that trump stands for, writes Nick Dearden.

Reactions to the US election result

9 November 2016 As news of a Trump victory sinks in, we share words of solidarity and calls to action from activists across the left in the UK.

Davey Hopper: union man

8 November 2016 Huw Beynon reflects on the life of his friend and comrade Davey Hopper, the tough and imaginative Durham miners’ leader, who died in July

Book Review: My Turn: Hillary Clinton Targets the Presidency

8 November 2016 'A symptom of a deep sickness in the American political system’ - John Brissenden reviews Doug Henwood's take on the presidential nominee.

Cartooning capitalism – a look back at American radicalism

2 November 2016 Michael Mark Cohen revives political art of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that remains equally relevant today

The unlikely rise of Jeremy Corbyn: an interview with Alex Nunns, the author of ‘The Candidate’

1 November 2016 Andrew Dolan interviews Alex Nunns about his new book on Jeremy Corbyn's successful campaign to become leader of the Labour Party

Essay: Labouring through birth and death

29 October 2016 Jenny Nelson says that if we get the beginning and ending of life right, we might have a better chance of getting the bit in the middle right too

What is Momentum?

29 October 2016 James Schneider, Emma Rees and Adam Klug explain what Momentum is and how it is organising collectively to transform society

Back to basics

28 October 2016 Barb Jacobson on the campaign for an unconditional basic income

Now is the time for a progressive alliance

28 October 2016 Kenny MacAskill of the Scottish National Party says that only a progressive alliance can deliver us from Tory rule

Black Lives Matter: crisis shutdown

28 October 2016 Kojo Kyerewaa introduces Black Lives Matter UK

From common sense to power: municipal politics in Madrid

28 October 2016 Ana Méndez de Andés describes how a new kind of electoral alliance is taking back power—one city at a time—in Spain

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