Latin America

Buen vivir, buen migrar: The Chiapas museum rehumanising migration

31 May 2023 Deyanira Clériga Morales describes the work of the Chiapas-based Migration Museum, or MuMi, in dignifying migration and resisting displacement

¡Kaypimi kanchik! – Ecuador’s indigenous movement versus the cost-of-living crisis

24 February 2023 Ecuador’s powerful indigenous movement is again leading the fight against a growing cost-of-living crisis, writes Daniela Díaz Rangel

Difficult days ahead for Brazil

20 January 2023 The attempted coup by supporters of the former Brazilian President on January 8th may have been thwarted but as Sue Branford argues, Brazilian democracy is far from safe

It’s not drought, it’s plunder: Drought and the commodification of water in Chile

6 January 2023 Water scarcity in Chile is the price of its commodification, writes Carole Concha Bell

Review: Doreen Massey: Selected Political Writings

8 December 2022 With a massive legacy and hopeful approach, Massey’s writings can inspire change today, writes Katrina Navickas

Latin America’s new ‘Pink Tide’

9 November 2022 Pablo Navarrete reports on the resurgence of the left in Latin America

At a crossroads, Brazil looks left and right

28 October 2022 As Brazil returns to the polls, Ingrid Aguiar Schlindwein explains the stakes of an era-definition Presidential election

The world in ruins: What poetry on ruins can teach us about our present struggles

15 October 2022 Every civilization leaves ruins in its wake. These spaces and their poetics offer valuable insights into contemporary struggles and injustices, says Cecilia Enjuto Rangel

Challenges ahead for Colombia’s new government

3 October 2022 Leading a leftist government in a right-wing country, Gustavo Petro’s plans for economic reform face opposition – including from within his own political alliance. Daniela Díaz Rangel reports

Why did Chile’s new constitution fail?

7 September 2022 Chile's proposed constitution was poorly understood amidst a wave of misinformation and hostility from the reject campaign, Carole Concha Bell reports

How trans rights activists changed Argentina

26 June 2022 Ten years ago Argentina passed groundbreaking gender identity laws, a victory won through solidarity, diverse tactics and longstanding activist traditions. The experience has lessons for us all, write Alessandra Viggiano and Siobhán McGuirk

Compulsory voting: the debate

19 February 2022 Judith Brett outlines Australia’s experience with – and makes the case for – compulsory voting, whilst Daniel Chavez shows how, for the left in Uruguay, compulsory voting is an essential foundation on which more direct forms of democracy have been built

Can Boric’s government end Chile’s Mapuche conflict?

15 February 2022 The president-elect’s new cabinet lacks indigenous representation. Will his government also ignore Mapuche demands? Carole Concha Bell reports

Apathy or strategy in Chile’s decisive election

19 November 2021 The frontrunners in Chile's upcoming election pit the far-right against the nominally left, Carole Concha Bell assesses how we got here

The political battle for Peru

21 August 2021 Leftist Pedro Castillo has promised change in Peru but Keiko Fujimori remains a political force in a hostile Congress, Paulo Rosas examines the path ahead

Cuba at a crossroads?

16 August 2021 The US embargo against Cuba continues to have a devastating impact, but recent protests also highlight the need for urgent domestic reform, writes Jamie Medwell

The communal cooking pot

24 May 2021 In Chile, community food networks and mutual aid tell us that the revolution starts close to home writes Jumanah Younis

The strike won’t stop

22 May 2021 Proposed tax reforms have led to weeks of protest in Colombia. Amidst brutal state repression, and with the initial proposals defeated, Colombians are now demanding much more, Philippa de Boissière and María Mónica Acuña report

Strength in numbers

17 May 2021 In Bolsonaro's Brazil, democratic resistance has brought about a surge in 'new municipalist' political initiatives. Cintia Martins Freitas considers the potential for collective candidacies and shared mandates

In Chile, a feminist green wave rises

8 March 2021 As Chile rewrites its Pinochet-era constitution, feminists are seizing the opportunity to legally enshrine women's reproductive rights. Carole Concha Bell reports

Review – Santiago Rising

28 January 2021 Grace Livingstone reviews Santiago Rising, a new film which portrays the recent eruption of protest against inequality in Chile

In Bolivia, the truth wins out

22 January 2021 Francesca Emanuele reports on recent attacks on Bolivia’s Movement for Socialism – and how the country’s voters were ultimately undeterred by disinformation tactics

The nationalist unconscious

29 June 2020 To fully grasp the rise of the new authoritarians, we must engage with psychoanalysis as well as economics, writes Richard Seymour

Brazilian oligarchs sacrifice people for profit

23 June 2020 Business leaders are using social media and political influence to spread coronavirus disinformation – and endangering thousands of lives. Raphael Tsavkko Garcia reports

Why is mining giant BHP able to dodge its responsibilities?

21 November 2019 The British-Australian company is complicit in the harms its joint owned Cerrejón mine has wrought on people and the environment in Colombia, writes Claire Hamlett

‘We are confronted by the threat of civil war’

14 February 2019 Edgardo Lander talks to Red Pepper about the mounting tensions in Venezuela

Criminalising social movements helped Bolsonaro win power

5 February 2019 Left-wing resistance was crushed before long before Bolsonaro's infamous election, writes Raphael Tsavkko Garcia

Brazil shows us how capitalism stamps out democracy

9 January 2019 With the rise of Bolsonaro and big corporations cannibalising the countryside, Brazil is living proof of Thomas Piketty’s assertion that capitalist accumulation in the 21st century is not compatible with democracy. By Sue Branford

Brazil’s road to neo-fascism

1 January 2019 Pedro Rocha de Oliveira considers the context of Jair Bolsonaro’s rise to power in Brazil

Killing of indigenous activist in Chile provokes widespread protests

27 November 2018 Rodrigo Acuña reports on the death of Camilo Catrillanca, who was gunned down during a police raid.

Escape from fear

23 November 2018 Beth Geglia explains why thousands of migrants are risking everything to flee violence, poverty and oppression in Honduras

Did fake news win the Brazilian election?

30 October 2018 Bolsonaro's rise to power came with a welter of misinformation, rumour and lies. What role did 'fake news' play in the far right leader's victory? By Sue Branford

With Lula in jail, the future of democracy in Brazil is at stake

28 April 2018 As the Brazilian Election looms, Alfredo Saad-Filho examines what Lula da Silva's prosecution means for the future of democracy.

Open Letter: Honour Marielle Franco by taking up her fight

26 March 2018 "Our grief for Marielle Franco represents our commitment to all the women who fight with courage against oppression."

Venezuela can solve its own problems – the US only cares about oil

8 August 2017 The people could reach a democratic and non-violent solution if they were freed from US meddling, argues Boaventura de Sousa Santos

Civic strike paralyses Colombia’s principle pacific port

28 May 2017 An alliance of community organisations are fighting ’to live with dignity’ in the face of military repression. Patrick Kane and Seb Ordoñez report.

Introducing Trump’s Inner Circle

24 March 2017 Donald Trump’s key allies are as alarming as the man himself

We need popular participation, not populism

27 February 2017 Hilary Wainwright argues against reclaiming populism for the left and for a leadership that supports people’s capacity for self-government

A Cuban view on Fidel Castro’s legacy

28 November 2016 Musician Eliane Correa reflects on the fading revolution

Brazil’s Olympic Flames

4 August 2016 A bitter and chaotic political crisis threatens to take the shine off the Rio Olympics this summer, writes Tom Gatehouse

Public event: Brazil’s crisis – what does it mean for the global left?

5 June 2016 Red Pepper, the Latin American Bureau and Practical Action Publishing host an evening of discussion on the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff and the future of the left in Brazil

Brazil: Recolonising a continent

30 May 2016 Sue Branford examines the past failures and future prospects of the left in Brazil in the face of a concerted US-backed right-wing offensive

Colombia: millions to take to the streets for peace

26 May 2016 Millions of Colombians will take to the streets this month to demand a different kind of peace with social and environmental justice at its heart. Seb Munoz writes

The Zika virus: government responses add to women’s burden

22 March 2016 The Zika virus is shining a light on the inadequacies of abortion and family planning laws in Latin America, writes Maisie Davies

London event: Festival of Choice 2015

21 September 2015 A week of events looking at threats to reproductive rights and the plight of women and girls who do not have access to safe and legal abortion in countries around the world

From Greece to Brazil: the challenge of forging a socialist alternative

17 August 2015 Sue Branford introduces a debate on the fate of Brazil’s Workers’ Party by drawing some parallels with today's Syriza

Maduro and the market

8 June 2015 With the recent plunge in oil prices and radicalised opposition forces, can President Maduro keep the Bolivarian revolution on track? Steve Ellner writes

From Ireland to Bolivia, there’s something in the water

8 June 2015 Fifteen years on from Bolivia’s ‘water war’, Thomas McDonagh looks at the developing parallels between those dramatic events and the current Irish battle over domestic water charges

Clandestine no more

1 June 2015 Right-to-choose campaigners Patsili Toledo and Lieta Vivaldi report on the struggle to legalise abortion in Chile

Pinochet’s press gang

1 April 2015 Want to know how much media ownership matters? Just look at Chile. Nick MacWilliam reports on a probing documentary into the El Mercurio media group

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