Review: Witches, Witch-Hunting and Women

31 December 2018 Witches, Witch-Hunting and Women by Silvia Federici, reviewed by Jessica White

From borders to prisons: the politics of abolition

30 December 2018 An abolitionist politics seeks to end the violence of the state in systems like prison and immigration detention, and build towards a world without them, write Ru Kaur and Ali Tamlit

The Rojava revolution was made by a struggling people, not American bombs

24 December 2018 Matt Broomfield reports from Rojava

Christmas with the gilets jaunes

24 December 2018 The 'yellow vests' revolt in France has targeted centrist president Macron, but left wing opinion has been divided over its unclear politics. Paul Cudenec reports from the protests – and finds a community spirit that bears little resemblance to the media's depictions

Critical tradition: Tribune then and now

23 December 2018 As the relaunched Tribune prepares its second issue, Hilary Wainwright assesses the history of the paper and the left Labour MPs who rallied around it – and the lessons it offers today’s Labour left

Welcome to the crowd

17 December 2018 Six Silberman writes on the new horizons of digital platform labour

Housing cooperatives are more than an economic no-brainer. They offer our a communities a better future.

14 December 2018 They give us the opportunity to put power in the people's hands, writes Joe Barson.

Italy’s far-right crackdown on migrants

13 December 2018 The new Italian Immigration Law represents a peak in the government’s hostility against migrants, writes Caterina Mazzilli

US sanctions have caused a crisis for Iranian Kurds

12 December 2018 An economic recession and a brutal government crackdown have put the people of Rojhilat in a precarious situation, writes Douglas Gerrard

‘If I don’t come back, call my lawyer’: Practical solidarity for people at risk of detention.

11 December 2018 Luke Butterly lays out some practical steps to help people facing down the hostile environment.

Here’s how we stopped a brutal, inhumane and barely legal charter flight

10 December 2018 Helen Brewer from the Stansted 15 describes the night she and fourteen other activists stopped a forced removal that threatened to place migrants in extreme danger

‘I am one of the Stansted 15. Here’s why charter flights must end’

10 December 2018 Jo Ram explains why we should all stand up to defend migrants' rights

The NHS is heading for crisis this Christmas

10 December 2018 Underfunded hospitals are buckling under the strain - and we can’t let the Tories off the hook, writes Kane Shaw

Anti-fascism is a feminist issue

7 December 2018 Hope Worsdale explains why the fight against patriarchy and the fight against fascism go hand in hand.

Tommy Robinson is using Brexit chaos to advance his racist agenda. We can’t let him win.

7 December 2018 Tommy Robinson, will lead a Brexit Betrayal march in Central London. Anti-fascists are marching to stop him, reports Luther Blisset

Embracing Brexit would be a historic mistake for the left

5 December 2018 The left’s flirtation with Brexit is not just a mistake; it is downright dangerous, writes Tom Kibasi

Freedom dreaming

5 December 2018 A surprise summer hit in the US, Sorry to Bother You has come to the UK. M. Matsemela-Ali Odom situates the film in black revolutionary cultural tradition.

Reform and Revolution

4 December 2018 ‘Towards a Socialist Strategy of Reforms’, André Gorz makes the case for a strategy of reforms that specifically attack the logic of capital accumulation.

There is no such thing as a ‘left’ case for borders

3 December 2018 Arguments for borders rely on historically illiterate and morally inexcusable reasoning that has no right to call itself 'leftwing', writes Luke de Noronha

Remembering the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

30 November 2018 In April 1919, British colonial forces cracked down violently on Indian protesters. By Saurav Dutt

The response to the crisis in Yemen shows the hypocrisy at the heart of Western foreign policy

29 November 2018 85 000 children have died of starvation since the Saudi-led bombardment began, reports Andrew Smith

5 reasons why students are taking action against Israeli apartheid

29 November 2018 Students across the country are marking the UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, writes Huda Ammori.

Our bodies are a battleground

28 November 2018 Annahita Moradi reports on women fighting back against Iran's morality laws

Killing of indigenous activist in Chile provokes widespread protests

27 November 2018 Rodrigo Acuña reports on the death of Camilo Catrillanca, who was gunned down during a police raid.

Escape from fear

23 November 2018 Beth Geglia explains why thousands of migrants are risking everything to flee violence, poverty and oppression in Honduras

Picking the lesser evil

22 November 2018 With a seemingly bungled Brexit deal, the only options on offer are different forms of capitalism. The Left needs to pick its enemies wisely, writes Richard Seymour

What can academics learn from the Lucas Plan?

22 November 2018 With the right organising and the right plan, UCU workers can transform universities from within. By David Ridley

There’s hope left for a Left Europe

21 November 2018 Don't believe the doomsayers, writes Luke Cooper - the deal is dead in the water. Now is the time to fight to defend free movement and a united Europe.

In Community We Trust

20 November 2018 It's time for councils to put housing back in the hands of the people, writes Tom Chance.

The government is trying to rebrand NHS privatisation

17 November 2018 Integrated Care Providers promise to totally privatise the NHS, writes Kane Shaw from the National Health Action Party.

Moving the goalposts in women’s football

16 November 2018 Alex Culvin analyses the rapid growth of the game – and the barriers that remain for professional players

The colonial origins of Africa’s health crisis

15 November 2018 Formerly colonised nations are still suffering the effects of underdevelopment and underinvestment in health infrastructure, writes Jessica Lynne Pearson.

The Lost Cinemas of Palestine

14 November 2018 Ahmad Al-Bazz documents the steady demolition of Palestine's once-iconic cinemas and picturehouses.

Building walls: fear and securitization in the European Union

13 November 2018 The report from Transnational Institute reveals that member states of the European Union and Schengen Area have constructed almost 1000 km of walls, the equivalent of more than six times the total length of the Berlin Wall. By European Alternatives

Tricks of the trade

7 November 2018 Liam Fox is planning bargain-basement trade deals for Brexit Britain - but Labour policy promises to deliver trade justice and democracy for the many. By Nick Dearden.

Socialism beyond borders

6 November 2018 A left government cannot hope to succeed through British isolationism, writes Hilary Wainwright. It must make a new kind of pan-European alliance

Keep an eye on these key battlegrounds in the US midterms

5 November 2018 The U.S. midterm elections take place on November 6. We asked four grassroots activists, all currently canvassing to get out the vote, to tell us which candidates they are backing and what their elections might mean for US politics.

How to save a scorched Earth

1 November 2018 We have entered a new, dangerous epoch in the Earth’s history, argue Simon L Lewis and Mark A Maslin. As humanity becomes the primary force re-shaping the planet, how can we avoid destroying it?

Ann Pettifor: If I governed the Bank of England, here’s what I do

31 October 2018 The radical economist outlines how she'd overhaul the UK's broken economy.

Did fake news win the Brazilian election?

30 October 2018 Bolsonaro's rise to power came with a welter of misinformation, rumour and lies. What role did 'fake news' play in the far right leader's victory? By Sue Branford

What’s left in Latin America?

30 October 2018 Once swept by a 'pink tide', the continent is now seeing the rise of authoritarian politics. What lessons are to be learnt from the varied left experiences? By Jenny Pearce

Four myths about antisemitism

29 October 2018 Antisemitism is a growing threat. Understanding it is a matter of urgency, writes Barnaby Raine.

Costas Lapavitsas: Socialism starts at home

24 October 2018 Michael Calderbank speaks to Marxist economist Costas Lapavitsas ahead of the publication of his provocative new book The Left Case Against the EU

Resistance and revolution in colonial Kenya

22 October 2018 Shehina Fazal reviews 'Kenya’s War of Independence: Mau Mau and its Legacy of Resistance  to Colonialism and Imperialism, 1948-1990' by Shiraz Durrani. 

The new undesirables

20 October 2018 Sivamohan Valluvan and Eleanor Penny unpack neoliberal attitudes to migration and 'low-value' humans.

FairCoin: A radical cryptocurrency alternative?

19 October 2018 Sam Dallyn reports on a digital currency aiming to set up new, cooperative alternatives to currency systems which hand over power to unelected central bankers.

‘The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed’

18 October 2018 Mike Peters explores the legacy of Steve Biko, a radical who spent his life fighting for Black liberation and for the overthrow of the Apartheid government in South Africa.

After Grenfell, we need to bring humanitarian responses into our politics if we want to save lives

17 October 2018 Neoliberalism means abandoning people to the whims of markets. Abby Meadows argues that we need to use the tools of humanitarianism to address the depth of the social crisis.

Your nearest marginal union needs you

16 October 2018 How can we support the new union movement? Steven Parfitt reflects on the successes and pitfalls of grassroots union organising.

‘Confronting imperialism means winning back the power to imagine alternatives’. An interview with Vijay Prashad

15 October 2018 Vijay Prashad talks to Daniel Whittall about socialism, anti-imperialism and the new global research network Tricontinental.

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