Red Pepper privacy policy

This privacy policy outlines the processes Red Pepper follows when storing and handling personal data. (Note that Red Pepper is a trading name of Socialist Newspaper (Publications) Ltd, UK company number 02644973.)

The data controller is Red Pepper of 44-48 Shepherdess Walk, London N1 7JP. Red Pepper can be contacted at that address, on, or on +44 (0)20 7324 5068.

This policy was updated on 22 May 2018 to document our processes in line with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Data types collected

Red Pepper collects two types of personal information:

– Names and email addresses for the purpose of our email list.

– Names, street addresses, email addresses, phone numbers and other relevant data for the purpose of delivering subscription copies of the print magazine.

Red Pepper does not collect any sensitive or special personal data.

Email list

All subscribers to our mailing list have explicitly opted in and consented to receive ‘Pepperista’, Red Pepper’s email newsletter, which includes updates about our latest articles, notifications of relevant events, updates about Red Pepper and occasional special offers. The GDPR lawful basis for this data processing is consent.

Our email list is never shared with any third party. Access to the email list is limited to Red Pepper staff members.

We send emails using email service Mailchimp. Mailchimp’s role is limited to providing software to create and send emails, storage of our email list and consent records, and offering list subscribe and unsubscribe facilities. We have entered into a data processing agreement with Mailchimp to this end. Mailchimp’s data centres are based in the US and data transfer to and from the US is only on the terms covered by the EU-US Privacy Shield agreement and compliant with GDPR.

We will retain this data for as long as you remain subscribed to the list. You can opt out from our email list at any time. Every email includes a link to unsubscribe from the list.

Magazine subscriber data

When you sign up and pay for a subscription to the magazine on this website, Red Pepper will save that data for the purposes of delivering that subscription to you for the duration of your subscription.

The GDPR lawful basis for this data processing is contract – ie. we are processing the data for the purpose of providing the magazine subscription you have paid for.

Red Pepper will also process this data from time to time with information relevant to your subscription, for example if you change your subscription type or if you notify us of a change of your address.

Your data is stored securely in our subscriptions database. This database is hosted by DigitalOcean in London and protected by appropriate security measures. DigitalOcean does not process any data on our behalf.

Your street address will be shared with our mailing house GB Mail only for the purpose of printing mailing labels to post your copy of the magazine to you. GB Mail does not retain this data after the mailing is complete.

We will retain this data for as long as you remain a subscriber. We delete the data of lapsed subscribers one year after the date their subscription ends. This period is to allow for re-subscription reminder notices.

It is also possible to sign up for a digital or app subscription through Red Pepper’s partner Exact Editions. In this case Red Pepper collects no data as sign up is handled by Exact Editions subject to their own privacy policy.

Payment data

Red Pepper does not see or store any sensitive payment information such as credit card details.

Data necessary to process credit and debit card payments is held by our card payment processor Stripe.

Data necessary to process direct debit payments is held by our direct debit payment processor GoCardless.


This website uses cookies for the purpose of gathering anonymised statistics about page views, using Google Analytics. This does not include any personally identifiable data. You can opt out of Google Analytics at this link:

A single-use cookie will also be set when making a payment for a subscription, to allow the payment to be confirmed by our payment processor GoCardless.

Making requests about your data

To request access to all the data Red Pepper holds about you (a subject access request) or request an export in a standard format (data portability), email

To request deletion of some or all the data Red Pepper holds about you (right to removal), rectify an error in it or request restrictions on our processing of it, email

You have a right to object to Red Pepper’s processing of your personal data. To exercise this right email


If you have a complaint about this policy or any privacy issue, please do contact us in the first instance on

You also have a right to complain to the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at or Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Wilmslow SK9 5AF.